Lower during the former than in tue latterĮeriod, the iverate for the last six monthsĮiug £21 2b2 7s 2d as against £21,003 17s Gd in the Utter half of 1878 There are now 1108 miles of railway open aa against 1033 completed and open for traflic at the same time last y ear Tor the first time for anny months past the retu» is respecting the traine on the Vic- torian Railway show a slight increase this month The total receipts from all sources for the latter part of December and first half of January amount to £109,310 ISs lOd, as compared with £10G 342 19a Sd during the correspondu!" period of 1S78 9 On the other hand, the weekly ajgregats up to date from the 1st July last has been £079 905 0s 3d as against £010 o3S ISa 5d in the same period of 1878 9 Hie weekly average has been o'so

Watchmakers earn from £3 10s to £5 per week Hie demand for labour m tina trale is Cully supplied Tinsmiths earn from £2 to £3 per week ironworkers, £2 10a to A3 per do, gtha nisers, £3 per do Moat of the vv oik in this trade is done hy the piece Tailors -In all order shops the rate paul is lOd per hour In second el isa shops the earnings are from £2 10s to tJ per week In factories the rates vary the men being often paid b} the piece Vv here w a »es are Íiaid, the rate is 10a per week in factory Tanners and Currier" -Benmsmcn receive 40a to 50s per week, shedsmen 12s to 13a per do, tinners, 3Sa to IJS per do -time, 10 Lours per day Curriers at piecework, eau earn from 30s to 70s per w eck Saddlera -The earnings aro about £2 13a per week The commoner sorts of »ork ate not paid for so w eil and w a"es v ar} from 23a to 35s per week The work m tins tr ide ia nine hours per day

Sailors on board ocean going ships au I steamers receiv e A1103 per month lu co ist mg vc83°ls the rate is to per month Men receive £G per month in coasting steamers Trimmers get £7, and firemen A), m coast ing steamers In vessels forei"n bound from Melbourne the rate ia the same is in coastm0 Ship Carpenters -The rate paul in this trade is 13a per day of eight hours Work is

Stevedores Men, i.c -Lumpers' wages are 12s per day at present Un"'ineer3 in tug- boats and donkc} engine dnvcr3 receive £18 per month Good head men get higher rates in the binding and lithographing departments