The information contained on the LifePath Paycheck website is intended for the following audiences in the U.S. only: Eligible collective investment fund investors who are: (1) U.S.
retirement, pension, profit-sharing or stock bonus plans that are qualified under Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section 401(a) and tax-exempt under IRC Section 501(a) or (2) U.S.

The information contained on all other websites denoted as “Institutional” in the top right corner is intended for the following audience in the U.S. Only: institutional investors including any: (A) person described in FINRA Rule 4512(c), regardless of whether the person has an account with a member (B) governmental entity or subdivision thereof (C) employee benefit plan, or multiple employee benefit plans offered to employees of the same employer, that meet the requirements of Section 403(b) or Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code and in the aggregate have at least 100 participants, but does not include any participant of such plans (D) qualified plan, as defined in Section 3(a)(12)(C) of the Exchange Act, or multiple qualified plans offered to employees of the same employer, that in the aggregate have at least 100 participants, but does not include any participant of such plans (E) member or registered person of such a member and (F) person acting solely on behalf of any such institutional investor. #Jim fink investing daily personal finance code# #Jim fink investing daily personal finance code#.