Lantern, and in so doing he becomes the hero of prophecy. The game makes his Character Development a part of its mechanic in the final level-when the player gains the courage and wits to delve deeper into the Dark World after watching all of the other party members get drained, so will Mr. Lantern especially gives off this vibe, particularly in light of how his special skill isn't really useful compared to his friends'. The Everyman: All of the party members seem like this, what with their fear of the Spider and the desire to take their minds off of their quest at certain junctures in the story, but Mr.Big Bad: The Spiders are the most recurring enemies of the game, but The Mother Spider is chapter 7 is a far larger threat, and the actual source of all evil is the Hive of chapter 9.Additionally, a new Humble Indie Bundle was created for its debut, which gave part of its proceeds to the World Land Trust. It won the Excellence in Audio award at IGF 2012 for its energetic soundtrack by the Czech band DVA.

The game is done in a similar whimsical style to Machinarium, although it can turn surprisingly dark at times.